5000 years ago, when the Knossis temple was constructed by slave labor using local stone, an ancient race of violent warriors controlled the region with bloodied swords. Now the walls are stained with blood once more. The Bloody Temple of Knossis is a violent and confronting arena; fight when required and move fast.

An extensive industrial playing field with wide doorways and loads of space, this map is a true tribute to FPS gaming in its glory days. The incredibly moody radiation will have you gazing at the other characters in admiration before unmercifully butchering them. Every area has three or more entrances to keep the action fast paced.

One of the most vertical, unlimited maps in Gore. In this city map, players are allowed to enter almost every building as well as access the roofs. With jump pads, climbable fire escapes, gutters, and barred-up windows, the restriction of horizontal movement does not exist.

A training facility with above and below ground facilities designed for Capture the Flag and based on Bootcamp’s military style. There's lots of cover and you'll need it for the enduring long hallways, multiple paths, and sniping towers.

A cemetery straight out of a horror film, this super-gloomy open graveyard leads to playing tag with other players in the dark. Players have to be careful to avoid the cliff face, and watch their backs in the catacombs that are interconnected to an underground cave system. Keep and eye out for the teleporter in the open grave and lava cracks in the catacomb floors.

A composite of storage areas by the docks also includes tight office space environments.Hub style game-play for deathmatch with quick corners and attacks from all angles, and solid teamplay with lots of places to hide in tactical mode. Complete with distinctive areas that all play differently, and an open yard in the middle for arena fighting.

A symposium of world leaders and abode of the Meat Machine, now overrun with the psychotic. Beautifully detailed areas with vast hallways, overpass walkways and multi-height arenas. This level will have players asking, “Am I in a shopping mall?”

In an abandoned house on the edge of town, MOB forces have moved in and decided to make it their own, but the UMC doesn’t see it that way. With creaky floor boards, broken chimneys and bathrooms of blood there are plenty of locations where MOB and UMC forces can engage each other. From roof top to basement, the battles in this house will cause it to be turned into a house of horror.