In the mid-21st century, massive
overpopulation and consumption caused irreversible resource
shortages over most of the planet. All supplies of fossil fuels
were completely decimated by 2031. The agro-mosaic virus outbreak
of 2042 triggered the global food riots of 2043 by causing the
extinction of all agricultural plant species. Five billion humans,
almost half of the earths population, died of starvation
With most cities falling
into ruin in a perpetual night of low fuel and no power, street
gangs grew into terror patrols, controlling neighborhoods
and sometimes entire cities. These terror patrols grew larger
and larger, falling under the control of ever more powerful
All government officials
became targets for assassination, the global system of government
was getting weaker by the day. As the governments began to
fall and chaos began to be a way of life, all governments
united and focused on the continuing search for a new energy
source. Finally, in 2079, government scientists discovered
a new energy source, created from anti matter chemical reactions
between the grinding forces of the planets tectonic plates,
a new energy source was mined, called ORE. ORE, though not
energy producing itself, was able to catalyze nearly any chemical
reaction and also amplify any electrical power fed into it.
Because of the density of the ORE found, when energy passed
through the ORE atoms were sped up to a speed never seen before,
increasing energy passed through the ORE as well as creating
distortion in time and the known field.
After the ORE became
common knowledge, the fighting factions used all means to
gain access to the ORE's power. Using the ORE's power to bend
time and fold space the MOB left earth in search of more ORE,
in the process creating a war between worlds as well as on
its own.
Deep in the bowels of UMC research and development, secret
experiments have led to the creation of the advanced massively
parallel bio-computational neural network, with the ability
to emulate higher-level thought processes and simulate the
nonlinear processing of computations and complex algorithms.
This advanced bio-computational neural network has created
a perfect artificial environment, this new system avoids failures
from the past and jerkiness caused by computational spasming
in older non bio based artificial environments.
One of the first practical
uses of this new technology was the development of an advanced
combat training emulator. This emulator is a virtual reality
where the UMC weeds out the mentally weak and trains the best
of the best to be even better. It is so realistic several
level 5 marines who first tested it died of cardiac arrest.
The "Meat Machine"
termed by the first wave of Marines tested on the neural network,
takes the Marine where they have never been, shows them enemies
they have never faced, and trains them with existing UMC weaponry,
plus weaponry that are yet to be made in the real world.
Date: March 15, 2085,
04:00 UMC Briefing Room A-091
Sargent First Class, Jack Fielding: "What do you know
about this Meat Machine Lieutenant?"
Lieutenant Jane Doa:
"Not Much apart from the fact it looks and feels real
when you're in there. If you get shot you feel it, if your
exhausted, you feel it. The only difference is if you die,
you get another chance without the pains of cloning and mental
reimplantation like
in the real world."
Sargent First Class,
Jack Fielding: "Don't know much about dying, but I know
Lieutenant Jane Doa:
(surprised) "You've never been killed in combat before??"
Sargent First Class,
Jack Fielding: (changing the subject) "Why are these
secret service geeks putting us through this computer crap
General Richter enters:
"Because you will be killed a 1000 times over before
the end of your training here."
Sargent First Class,
Jack Fielding: "Sir"
General Richter: "At
ease, sit down Marines, i'll say this only once. You have
been chosen from the Ranks of the United Marine corps finest
level 5 troops to train for secret service Death Force. Before
you're even considered, you must fight the Meat Machine. You
must become the Ultimate Soldier."